Baseball Featured Football High School High School Powerlifting Softball 

Ten Highland Lakes Sports Insights

CAPTION: The Marble Falls Lady Mustangs and powerlifting head coach Robert Draper stand in front of a banner welcoming them to the 2023 state powerlifting meet in Frisco March 17. Courtesy photo The final push for championships is upon us with Spring Break behind the Highland Lakes schools. The heat, which isn’t all coming from Mother Nature, is on and will be especially apparent on the pitch and on the diamonds. Watch videos on Highland Lakes sports by going to Fierro’s YouTube channel and searching for The Broad Podcaster. Please…

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Baseball Featured Football High School High School Powerlifting Running Softball 

Ten Highland Lakes Sports Insights

CAPTION: Burnet athlete Jose Rodriguez (left) poses with his cousin, Marble Falls’ Jasael Ruiz, after the two finish competing at the regional powerlifting meet. Ruiz earns a silver in the 148-pound division to advance to the state meet, while Rodriguez finishes fifth and returns home with a regional powerlifting medal for the first time. Courtesy photo The week leading up to Spring Break was an important one for the Burnet and Marble Falls high school baseball teams and the Llano High School softball team as all three played in district…

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Basketball Featured 

Ten Highland Lakes Sports Insights

CAPTION: The Marble Falls Independent School District celebrates the 75th birthday of super fan Jimmy Burney during halftime of the Mustangs’ win against Burnet Feb. 10. Interim Superintendent Jeff Gasaway (right) presents a cake to Burney, while MFISD Board of Trustee Larry Berkman (left) takes Burney’s old jacket so officials can give him a new one. Staff photo by Jennifer Fierro The most wonderful time of the basketball season begins Monday, Feb. 13. That’s when the playoffs for members of the University Interscholastic League start. The ladies begin their quest…

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Basketball Featured Football High School High School Powerlifting Swimming and Diving 

Ten Highland Lakes Sports Insights

CAPTION: The Marble Falls Mustangs and Lady Mustangs after beating Burnet at The Doghouse Jan. 24. The last time both teams beat Burnet in the same season was during the 2019-20 season at Max Copeland Gym. The last time they beat Burnet at The Doghouse was during the 2011-12 season. Mustangs head coach Travis Crain was an assistant coach on the boys staff. Staff photo by Jennifer Fierro What a difference a week makes. This time last week, one high school boys basketball team was fifth in the district and…

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Basketball Featured Football High School High School Powerlifting 

Ten Highland Lakes Sports Insights

CAPTION: Marble Falls junior forward Cooper Cochran and Mustangs will embark on a big week when they travel to Burnet Tuesday, Jan. 24, and return home to face Jarrell Friday, Jan. 27. Staff photo by Jennifer Fierro The second round of district play for area girls basketball teams begins Tuesday, Jan. 24, and each Highland Lakes squad is in prime position to qualify for the 2023 postseason in pursuit of more wins and more trophies. Meanwhile, the boys teams have completed the first half of the first round of district…

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Basketball Featured Football High School High School 

Ten Highland Lakes Sports Insights

CAPTION: Marble Falls senior guard Tea Rodriguez shoots as two Burnet Lady Dawgs defend, while Burnet junior MaeSyn Gay blocks out Marble Falls junior center Lexie Edwards. Photo by Martelle Luedecke/Luedecke Photography The basketball season has turned to district play right around the time soccer season is about to heat up. And very shortly, spring sports will officially begin after-school practices. As always the spring semester will be busier than the fall with more sports happening, and that means a greater opportunity for incredible memories and historical moments. Since there’s…

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Basketball Featured Football High School High School Recruiting 

Ten Highland Lakes Sports Insights

CAPTION: Marble Falls senior Tea Rodriguez (third from left) at her signing ceremony to Murray State College Dec. 18 with her Lady Mustang teammates. Photo by Madison DeBerard A mandatory five-day break from the University Interschlolastic League that most associations across the state follows meant local athletic departments didn’t call for practices or games leading up to the Christmas holiday. But my guess is some players in the Highland Lakes still got some work in on their own, especially those whose teams haven’t had the success leading up to the…

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Basketball Featured High School 

Ten Highland Lakes Insights

CAPTION: Former San Antonio Spurs standout Bruce Bowen (standing) is the head coach of TMI Episcopal in San Antonio and guided his team at the Faith Academy of Marble Falls tournament Dec. 16-17. Staff photo by Jennifer Fierro Teams are making their final drives before breaking for the holiday. Some have already started, while others chose to play a couple more times. Even if your favorite team isn’t playing this week, most will take to the court Dec. 28 for either a contest or a tournament. Before we get to…

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Basketball Featured Football High School High School 

Ten Highland Lakes Sports Insights

Caption: Burnet junior MaeSyn Gay is one reason why the Lady Dawgs are having success during the pre-district season. Photo by Martelle Luedecke/Luedecke Photography It’s hard to believe students have one more week before taking a two-week vacation from classes. But athletes will play in some contests before and after Christmas to keep them sharp and ready for the opening of district play. Still, there’s plenty to review after weekend tournaments that finished Dec. 10. Watch videos on Highland Lakes sports by going to Fierro’s YouTube channel and searching for…

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Basketball Featured Football High School High School 

Ten Highland Lakes Sports Insights

CAPTION: The Edna offensive line controls the line of scrimmage against the Llano Yellow Jackets and paves the way for success. Photo by Martelle Luedecke/Luedecke Photography The Texas high school football season has ended for the Highland Lakes region, which has me all in my feelings. It’s a difficult time when one sport ends, particularly when it hits me that these teams have seniors who’ve given so much to their programs and left memories that won’t be quickly erased. Saying thank you doesn’t seem like enough, but sports is all…

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