Featured Powerlifting 

Marble Falls powerlifters headed to regionals

The Marble Falls High School girls powerlifting team is sending all four Lady Mustangs to the Class 4A Large School Region 2 meet. They are Moneserrat Fregoso in the 220-pound division, Cheyenne Blair in the 148-pound division, Hailey Duty in the 132-pound division, and Caydence Bielfeldt in the 123-pound division. Head coach Karl “Beef” Bieldfeldt, who is in his first year leading the program, said all four committed to being her best, and that is why they qualified. Blair, who is a senior ranked No. 10 in her weight class,…

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New facilities would meet the most important role of athletics

CAPTION: Marble Falls Independent School District athletic director Keri Timmerman describes a typical practice day at the high school and how coaches work together to meet the needs of their athletes. Staff photo by Jennifer Fierro The possibilities of building new facilities for extracurricular activities at Marble Falls High School will better meet the No. 1 objective for those students – to properly prepare them for their seasons. That’s according to Marble Falls Independent School District athletic director Keri Timmerman. On Jan. 31, the Marble Falls Independent School District’s Board…

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Marble Falls ISD board approves bond package to present to voters

The Marble Falls Independent School District Board of Trustees approved putting a bond before voters on the May 3 ballot. The bond, valued at $172.2 million, has four parts: general facilities planning, staff 1 to 1 devices, athletics and indoor multipurpose facility. Athletics projects total $12.515 million and the high school indoor multipurpose facility with all of its amenities totals $26.05 million. “I envision all of our sports and all of our students in extracurricular activities using the multipurpose facility,” said Dr. Jeff Gasaway, Marble Falls ISD superintendent, to TexasChalkTalk.com.…

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Featured Powerlifting 

Marble Falls powerlifters show their might to begin 2025

CAPTION: Arnulfo Salazar is ranked No. 1 in his weight class after three powerlifting meets. Photo by Martelle Luedecke/Luedecke Photography The Marble Falls High School powerlifting program is performing well through three meets, and the Mustangs have the rankings to prove it. The Mustangs have several lifters ranked in the Region 2, Division 2 standings. The top 12 in each weight class advance to regional meets. Marble Falls has 17 boys and 4 girls in the program. Arnulfo Salazar and Oswaldo Sanchez are ranked Nos. 1 and 2, while Braden…

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Baseball Cheer Featured Football Golf High School High School Powerlifting Running Softball 

Marble Falls ISD accepts recommendations from Advisory Committee

The Marble Falls Independent School District’s Advisory Committee presented the board of trustees its findings and recommendations during the regular meeting Dec. 16. The committee had a slide that broke the proposed bond into three parts. The first was general facilities planning that totaled $124,335,000. Next was the Staff 1 to 1 Devices totaling $2.2 million. The final was athletics that came in at $28.55 million. The total is $155,085,000. Co-chairwoman Lee Ann Johnson pointed out bonds are repaid through Interest and Sinking (INS) property taxes. The tax rate is…

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Baseball Basketball Featured Football High School High School High School Powerlifting Running Softball Volleyball 

Marble Falls coach Beef charged with building the complete athlete

CAPTION: Marble Falls strength and conditioning coach Karl “Beef” Bielfeldt walks through the ranks of Mustangs and Lady Mustangs before giving them the next mat drill move. Staff photo by Jennifer Fierro To know what drives coach Karl “Beef” Bielfeldt, simply log onto his social media and read it. It’s right after his handle. Witnessing his athletes change their bodies and transform their mentalities when they didn’t think they could is a joy Beef knows. “To see a kid do it in that moment,” he said with a smile. “All the…

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Burnet girls athletic coordinator Gates resigns

Rick Gates resigned as the Burnet Consolidated Independent School District girls athletic coordinator, girls basketball and golf head coach June 10 to become the girls basketball head coach at Burkburnett High School. He’ll also be an assistant track and field coach. Gates is the latest coach to turn in his Kelly green. Kurt Jones retired as the school district’s safety and athletic director, while Bryan Wood resigned to keep a promise to Ben Speer, his defensive coordinator. That promise was to resign and “do everyting I can” to help Speer…

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Overview: Burnet athletics enjoys record-breaking year, breaking opponents’ hearts

CAPTION: The Burnet High School girls basketball team and the first of several trophies from the 2023-24 season. File photo Editor’s Note: This is the first of a two-part series. An astounding nine district championships with another three playoff berths and two Class 4A state silver medals illustrate the Burnet High School athletic department’s supremacy during the 2023-24 school year. While the Lady Dawgs continued their streak by winning four district titles — cross country, basketball, track and field and soccer — the Bulldogs showed their mettle in winning championships…

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Baseball Basketball Featured High School High School Powerlifting Running Softball Volleyball 

Marble Falls athletics host Summer Forge ’24

The Marble Falls Independent School District athletic department is hosting Summer Forge ’24, its annual strength, speed, agility and conditioning program. The seven-week program, which is at Marble Falls High School, is for every athlete entering the seventh through the 12th grade. “This gives all of our middle school and high school athletes a chance to continue the progress and development they have made in the spring,” athletic director Keri Timmerman said. “This will be a great time to continue to improve strength, speed (and) performance and working to create a…

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Featured Football High School Powerlifting 

Burnet coach McIntosh leaves for McCamey

CAPTION: Tyler McIntosh (right) guided several lifters to numerous regional and state meets during his time as a Burnet High School powerlifting coach including in 2024 when he and coach Zane Hicks (left) got Maddi Moise, Halle Maxwell and Abby Smith to the state meet. Courtesy photo Burnet High School powerlifting head coach and offensive coordinator Tyler McIntosh submitted his resignation after saying yes to becoming the defensive coordinator at the McCamey High School. He also will be the powerlifting head coach and assistant track coach, while his wife, Brittany,…

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