Featured Football High School 

Green wants to see specific traits in new Llano starting quarterback

The starting quarterback battle at Llano High School has revealed plenty of strengths between the two athletes who have taken snaps for the Yellow Jackets 7-on-7 team.

They are junior Briggs Green and senior Bryce Mize.

Head coach Matt Green noted each player has wowed coaches and has made them scratch their heads during ball games. Green has years of experience playing and coaching that position, which means he has specifics he is studying.

Top of the list is “a guy who makes good decisions on and off the field. I want somebody who is a risk taker but not a riverboat gambler,” he said.

That means the quarterback must take calculated risks that result in big plays for the Jackets and are crippling for the opponent. And that could mean reading the defense to decide if he should run with the football or give it to someone else for a positive play.

Another trait is clear comprehension of the scheme and playbook. Translation — the quarterback must be able to see that his teammates are lined up correctly and can’t be afraid to tell them to move when they’re not.

“You can’t just know your job,” Green said. “You have to understand the complete play and understand the entirety of the offense.”

The ability to take care of the football is consistent for every offensive skill player. But that is emphasized even more with the quarterback because he can run or pass. The ability to avoid fumbles and throw interceptions is vitally important for this position.

“It’s going to happen,” Green said of quarterback turnovers, adding it’s crucial they are few and far between.

Because of Green’s scheme, his quarterback must have the ability to run and pass the ball well. Quarterbacks who can do both effectively can get in the heads of the defense first while physically wearing them out throughout the contest.

“You want a kid who can throw and run,” the coach said. “If you could, you want him to be able to do both.”

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